Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic
Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic
Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic
Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic
Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic
Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic
Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic
Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic

Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic

$59.95 USD

This unique hair growth tonic is infused with 7 different herbs, all known for their benefits for hair health. It can be applied even on dry and frizzy hair and left to hydrate.
Contains a complex blend of 7 wild plants infused with 11 essential oils.
This apothecary formula has been extensively documented and thoroughly researched.
Its herbal ingredients for hair growth activation include: ashwagandha, curry leaves, green tea, licorice root, nigella seeds, white turmeric, basil flower, and fenugreek seeds.


  • Ashwagandha
    It is a DHT blocker, which inhibits hair growth on the scalp. Builds resistance to stress by mimicking certain steroids to lower serum cortisol. This is the only option available to address the impact of psycho-emotional stress on hair loss.
  • Curry leaves
    Curry leaves are beneficial for hair as they are rich in beta-carotene and protein content, which are critical in preventing hair loss and thinning.
  • Green Tea
    Green tea is a very popular natural herb due to its numerous health benefits. Contains antioxidants to prevent hair loss and panthenol to strengthen hair. This herb is a very effective treatment for baldness and damaged hair.
  • Licorice root
    Licorice root has several beneficial qualities to treat hair loss naturally. It works to soothe a dry, irritated or crusty scalp. But its most important function is that it opens the pores and strengthens weakened hair follicles, which are often the cause of hair loss in the first place. It stimulates hair growth by producing a tingling effect on the scalp which stimulates blood flow to the scalp which can aid in hair growth. Additionally, it can act as a moisturizer and helps hydrate the scalp for healthier hair growth.
  • Nettle
    Nettle has a good reputation when it comes to remedying hair loss, as it stimulates the scalp, improves blood circulation, and protects against further damage and breakage.
  • White turmeric
    Improves blood flow to the scalp promoting new hair growth as the hair follicles are nourished. It is also responsible for treating dandruff and scalp problems.
  • Fo-ti root
    It is the holy grail of hair health in Chinese medicine. Studies show that this extract appears to transition hair follicles from damaged, dormant stages to rejuvenated, fast-growing ones resembling hair growth patterns in youth.


Recommended adult dose: Hair can be dry or towel-dried before use. Apply 4-6 drops, or as needed, on each area of concern and massage into the scalp thoroughly. Do not rinse after application. Style hair as usual once finished. Apply daily (AM or PM) for visible results in 6-8 weeks.

Hidroxol | Growing Hair Tonic

$59.95 USD